

Whether starting your career or thinking about jumping into a new field, 科技行业有时颇具吸引力. 走在创新的前沿, 创造性地思考, and earning high salaries all attract new applicants. 那么,科技行业到底能有多好呢? 让mg官方游戏中心来分析一下:

  • 科技岗位薪资: As of 2021, the average salary for tech jobs is in the six-figures—$104,566 确切地说. While that number can be skewed by areas with higher costs of living, it is possible to find remote positions that pay well.

  • 前沿发展: The tech industry is full of exciting opportunities to work on never-seen-before advances. Think of augmented and virtual reality and how those are changing the way people interact with the world around them.

  • 解决问题: 科技公司的存在是为了解决问题. 是否处理数据输入应用程序, 视频编辑软件, 或者市场调查, 你的工作将使人们的生活更轻松.

  • 登顶: 微软、亚马逊、谷歌…… 这样的例子不胜枚举 of tech companies that started out in garages and rose to the top of the industry. Their achievement of global success and cultural impact inspires entrepreneurs to develop their own ideas in hopes of changing as many lives. 事实上, 1.3500万年 tech startups are created yearly across the globe to innovate ride-sharing, 照片编辑, 远程工作, 与朋友和家人沟通, 游戏, 还有更多.

While these features are certainly enticing, a career in tech isn’t for everyone. 在本文中, we’ll take a closer look at some of the benefits—and challenges—of the tech industry so you can know how to make the most out of your career.

What Are the 优点 and 缺点 of Working in the Tech Industry?


  • 人才短缺 gives job seekers more power to negotiate favorable contracts.

  • 创造性地解决问题 is often a necessity, which can be a welcome change from jobs filled with tedious tasks.


  • 可能缺乏好处. Tech jobs can sometimes prioritize in-office perks such as lounge areas over healthcare and dental.

  • 向上流动滞后于工作转移. 如果你想看到工资大幅增长, it’s likely that you’ll have to switch jobs as employers are less inclined to give raises than they are to boost starting salaries. Having competing offers can give an advantage when negotiating raises, but you still have to go through the process of securing those offers.

Don’t let these cons discourage you from a career in tech, however. 仍然有公司提供这种服务 全面的福利待遇 以及内部晋升的机会. mg官方游戏中心怎么知道? Because that’s what we provide for our team members.


Many tech jobs do pay well for entry-level positions. While some entry-level jobs don’t require any 经验, 许多做, and you can fill out your resume with freelance work, 学校的项目, 和认证. Here are some of the highest starting salaries, according to 怪物:

  • 计算机系统分析员: $85,276

  • Web开发人员: $93,530

  • 技术支持分析师: $43,418

  • 信息安全分析师: $91,675

  • 软件开发人员: $102,943

薪水将根据职位的不同而有所不同, background, 教育, 经验, 和位置, so be sure to compare postings to find the best fit for you.


Yes—the majority of companies are wary of laying off tech workers because there is a 人才短缺. That gives employees an edge up when navigating job offers and negotiating raises at their current positions. Still, there are some tech careers that are less stable than the rest. 例如, cryptocurrency companies are a lot more volatile than IT support.


技术工作通常与高压力有关, but there are positions that aren’t known for raising your blood pressure, such as technical writing and database architecture. If you are looking for a job that won’t stress you out too much, here are a few things to watch for:

  • 独立的项目

  • 宽松的期限

  • 灵活的工作时间

How Long Should You Stay at a Job Before Leaving?

根据 事实上, you should typically stay at a job at least two years before leaving. The reasoning behind this is that employers want loyalty and a return on their investment. That doesn’t mean you always have to stick it out. One short-stint employment isn’t going to ruin your resume. 然而, if most of the jobs you’ve held have been for less than two years, potential employers may have some concerns about hiring you.


当然可以! The most important qualification to focus on when shifting into a new career is the specific skills required for the job you want. In the tech industry, you might have to learn several specific coding languages like Python or Javascript. It’s also possible to transfer related skills from non-tech jobs. 例如, 经验 as a project manager in a marketing company would make it easier to land a managerial role in a tech company.


It’s never too late to break into a career in tech as long as you are willing to learn. 如果你是行业新手, you’ll likely need to go through a college program or self-guided 学习 to catch up to speed. To test out how you like working with technology, you can even take a few courses through online 学习 platforms like codecademy.

What Is the Best Career in Information Technology?


If you’re wondering if you’re cut out to work in the tech industry, that means one of two things. You’re either laser-focused on building your skillset or your current job in the field is causing you more grief than you think it’s worth. If you’re in the first group, you’re the kind of person we like to welcome to our team at MG游戏登录网页. 和, 如果你是第二种人, know that all tech companies don’t push their team members to the point of burnout. 事实上,莫泽被评为a级 理想的工作场所 2022 - 2023年. We’re proud that 97% of our employees love working here (compared to a 57% 全国平均水平). 和, we think that you’d be excited to work here, too!

If you’re passionate about a career in tech and making an impact on the world around you, 考虑申请其中之一 mg官方游戏中心目前的职位空缺. We’d love to see what you can bring to the table!



